Originating from the vibrant streets of Austin, Texas, and having ventured through the Rocky Mountain Highs of Colorado, she has landed and is living the quiet good life in Nevada County, California.
A tantric hatha yoga practitioner weaving in tools and techniques from many folds of the eight limbed path of Yoga. With over 500 hours of Training with Brooke Sullivan at The Wild Temple, a supplemental Yin + Mindfulness training with Kali Durga, and the 200 hours of study with Kim Miller in Colorado Springs.
My goal is to offer you an experience as a practitioner; one where you can drop into the body and simply be. With focusing the mind onto sensations and the breath. We can then guide the mind to a place of more peaceful + one-pointed clarity and tap into the place of the observer, the unwavering self that is pure consciousness.
Through Asana to open up the energetic channels of the body and strengthen them, and Pranayama to build the energetic body stronger, and Dyana to lead us to the best versions of ourselves we can be, and maybe even Samadhi.
Photo taken by Kate Michelle Photography @katemichelleyosemite